I Am Not Alone

ADULTING – The practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks. -Oxford Dictionary. 

You may ask, “What are some common behaviors of adulting”?  

  1. Having a budget                                  

2.  Buying a house

3.  Scheduling regular doctor and dental visits

4.  Doing your own laundry

5.  Watching the nightly news

6.  Etc., etc., etc.

For me, 2020 has seen a wane of most things responsible. Practicing mature decisions and behaviors has taken a back seat to poor choices. A small consolation to all this? I am not alone. 

Perched on the edge of too much. Feelings of minimal control, order, peace, time. The season of disappointment. The year of dismay. The year of 2020 has been nothing ordinary for so many. 

Hours, days and months of the same endless blur. What day is it, Blursday? Are the kids home today? Am I safe? What’s for dinner? Where’s the mask? Have I prayed enough? I can’t. I won’t. I don’t believe it. UGH! It’s endless!  

As a result of all this fertile frenzy, I weakly continue to challenge myself. Who is doing the adulting here? 

First and foremost; the body. Now that I have retired and have time, time, and more to plan, prepare and eat responsibly, I forego. Foods of ill-repute have become my friends. Pretty much anything chocolate, salty or of the carb family. Yes, I know, chocolate is plant based as with most carbs, thus, may provide nutritional value. But in excess? 

As a result, heartburn, bloating and tight pants have been constant reminders of these inadequate choices. Alka-Seltzer, a spoon or two of soda in water and elastic have become near-daily supplements. Thank you CVS, Walgreens and Publix for BOGO temptations. I support and appreciate you. It’s time, however, to make the turn for “Just Say No”.

Second in challenge: exercise. As for regular exercise, I purposely forget. Having the luxury of excess time, sunshine of the sunny south and good health, I choose to roll over and play dead. Lazy has become me. So like a recent commercial, I wish I had a pet to attach my Fitbit to for pretend exercise. Again, I sense that I am not alone.

Ten pounds later, I am not livelier or happy. These feelings of chub and blah have got to go. Lame, lame and blame need another body to harbor. BAM! Emeril Lagasse, Chef Boyardee, Julia Child: It’s time to leave the body! Poke a fork in me; I’m done!

Third in question: common sense. Sound judgement in practical matters. In short, adulting. Easy enough to define and practice, however, what have I done with this normalcy? Binge watching anything. Pleasure reading nonfiction, historical lust. The likes of mindless Solitaire and Scrabble online. Awake until wee hours of the morning often resulting in a wasted half day of sunshine and light. Jeez, need I say more?

Ta-tah to technology marathons and my frenzied lifestyle of 2020. I cannot thrive and grow. Come into my life, 2021! I’m ready for a new and improved adulting! Once again, I will safely bet; I am not alone.

Haphazardly, we are about to finish a marathon of 2020 unbelievable. The world and its final sunset to accept those plateaus, slumps and failure-to-thrive episodes. In one form or another, we’ve battled the Goliath of fear, disappointment and loss. Let it go my friends. Buh-bye negative. Hello gorgeous! 

Resurrect that which is good for 2021. Practice deep breathing and once again, win over your heart. Find the good and grow. The sun will always shine once the clouds give way. A rainbow often follows a storm. I wish you the best in your 2021 journey to bigger and better. 

Thanks for reading! 

6 thoughts on “I Am Not Alone

  1. Wow, Apple Annie, I believe you speak for all human kind. We are in this together. Thanks for keeping up this amazing blog. Yours truly, – RJ


  2. As always, I loved this one. Yes, I have gone into a comatose state & I think I’ve collected dust on me! Miss you girlfriend! Xxxx


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